Tag Archives: unanswered prayer

Is God throwing you a LIFE PRESERVER??


Is God throwing you a LIFE PRESERVER??

I’d like to share a story with you. There was a man struggling to survive a terrible flood. He crawled up on his roof and pleaded with God to save him. Soon, a helicopter came by and offered to lift him away. He said “No, I believe in God and He is going to rescue me!” And they flew away. After that, a boat came by and offered to let him climb aboard. Again, he said, “No, I believe in God and he will answer my prayers and rescue me.” So, the boat paddled away. Then, some firemen from a near-by roof top tried to toss him a rope to pull him to safety. Once again, he shouted back to them, “Thanks anyway, but, I have prayed to God and believe he will rescue me!” So, the fireman went on to the next house. The flood waters continued to rise and the man was swept away. When he entered the pearly gates, he asked Peter why God hadn’t answered his prayers and rescued him Peter replied, “What are you talking about- he sent a helicopter, a boat and a rescue team!!”

While this story is on the humorous side- there is a lot of truth in it as well!! Some times God sends an answer to prayer, but it is not the way we wanted him to answer and we ignore it or don’t even see it. Even though God can step in and perform miracles, sometimes he asks us to take part in the rescue! Not too long ago, a lady came forward in our church and was crying and asking for prayers for physical problems she was dealing with. I prayed about it and felt God leading me to meet with her and share the message of health and healing available through proper diet and lifestyle. So, she agreed to meet with me and I shared God’s directives for our health with her and she seemed receptive. She told me she had prayed and asked God why this was happening to her and asked for healing. But, she decided not to follow through and to my knowledge, her physical problems have continued to worsen. Most people pray to God and ask for healing, expecting him to swoop down and instantly heal their afflictions. Many of the testimonies I read, tell of people sharing how their prayers regarding their health were answered by someone sharing the message of health and healing through proper diet and lifestyle and how thankful they are. Some tell of an inexplicable urge to go into a book store for no apparent reason, only to find a book that lead them learn more about healing through God’s directives as found in the Bible. Have you or a loved one been praying for healing? Make sure you don’t miss the life-line God may be throwing your way, only to be swept away because that is not the way you wanted your prayers answered or because it wasn’t the answer you were looking for! You have to grab that life preserver and and use it- it won’t work unless you do!!

Come join us on our website as we learn to live life to the fullest as God intended through a healthy diet and lifestyle! www.6thdayhealth.com

Time to take responsibility for our own HEALTH!


Time to take responsibility for our own HEALTH!

Portions below taken from an article written by Rev. George Malkmus This is why we do what we do at 6th Day Health Ministries!

No one can truly enjoy life if they are constantly in pain, going to doctors, taking drugs, and experiencing sickness. And of course no one enjoys paying the bills resulting from the treating of all these physical problems. Nor can we properly serve the Lord or fulfill the ministry to which God has called us without a healthy body. Dear friend, if we are going to enjoy life and have a body fit for the Master’s use, we must have a healthy body! Do you have any idea who determines whether our bodies are healthy or not? HINT – The answer is not your doctor, or even God! Who Controls Our Health? In most instances the only one who determines whether we have a healthy body or not is the person to whom God gave that body. We have control over it and we must also take responsibility for maintaining it in good health. It’s all up to you and me! Like a prized possession, God has entrusted each of us with a body and holds us responsible for its care — that is, proper nourishment and maintenance.
Consider carefully what the Bible has to say about who bears responsibility for our body’s nourishment, care, and maintenance:
“I beseech YOU therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present YOUR bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is YOUR reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2) Again in Galations, the Bible says we are responsible regarding whether we have a healthy body or not: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man (or women) soweth, that shall he (or she) also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Now, while the vast majority of people around us are in an unhealthy state, constantly going to doctors, treating physical problems, taking drugs, and paying lots of money to cover the costs of the treatment of these illnesses… There are growing numbers of people who have taken control of their health, rid themselves of all their physical and psychological problems (and associated high costs), and they don’t get sick anymore. How does one go about taking control of their health and eliminating all their physical and psychological problems, along with their accompanying costs? Have you any idea how to answer that question? There is an answer and it is the answer to that question we will be dealing with for the rest of this article.
How To Take Control of Your Health
The only way a person can recover from their constantly reoccurring physical problems and eliminate those recurring health care costs is to take control of their own health. The only way to accomplish that is by changing their diet and lifestyle. And let me add that God is not going to do it for a person what they can do for themselves! In order to take control of our health we need to change the way we think about how we nourish this beautiful physical body temple God has provided each of us. Why do you eat and drink what you do? Have you ever considered that what you are eating and drinking might have something to do with the physical problems you experience?
Consider what God has to say about how we should not take care of these physical bodies we each possess: “AND BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: . . . .” (Romans 12:2) And for confirmation that this scripture is talking about our physical bodies, read Romans 12:1 where it says we should: “PRESENT OUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE . . . .”

What Others Are Experiencing
I am thrilled to report that over the past 20 years, tens of thousands have taken charge of their own health by adopting changing their diet and lifestyle. As a result, these people have recovered from over 170 different physical problems, including even terminal, Stage 4, metastasized cancers, and they don’t get sick anymore. Why do people who make these changes experience such spectacular results? The answer is really quite simple: When God designed these physical bodies we each possess; He designed them to be nourished with a certain type of fuel. The fuel God designed our bodies to run on can only be found in the garden.
When we fuel our bodies with the garden foods God designed our physical bodies to be nourished with, our bodies run the way God designed them to run – IN HEALTH!
But when we place into our bodies the wrong fuels, our bodies run poorly, we get sick, and our bodies begin to fail us.
We each, as individuals, are the ones who determine whether our body will be healthy or not by what we choose to place into them in the form of food or drink each and every day of our lives. In other words, we – not God or our doctor – determines whether we live in health or sickness.
As shared earlier, God said: “BE NOT DECEIVED; GOD IS NOT MOCKED: FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN (or women) SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE (or she) ALSO REAP.” (Galatians 6:7) This works both ways – sow health and you will reap health – sow disease and you will reap disease. Our health is simply the outworking of God’s law of sowing and reaping. Thirty-six years ago I learned the simple but profound truth that my health or lack thereof was a result of what I sowed. After learning this truth in 1976, I changed my diet and lifestyle at age 42, recovered from colon cancer, and rid my body of all other physical problems. All without doctors or medical modalities. As I write this, I am only two years from my 80th birthday, having enjoyed excellent health ever since making that diet and lifestyle change in 1976 at the age of 42. Cause Of Physical Breakdown
When we get sick, that physical breakdown is in most instances merely the body responding or reacting to the wrong fuel (what we eat and drink), and/or living the wrong lifestyle. Almost every physical problems (other than accidents) whether obesity or being underweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, colds, the flu, acid stomach, headache, psychological problems, pimples, etc., are merely the body reacting to the wrong fuel. As we stop putting in the wrong fuel and begin putting in the right fuel and begin exercising, the body will almost always begin the process of healing.
You see, God placed self-healing into each of our bodies and proper diet and lifestyle activates that self-healing so that the body can do what God designed it to do – which is heal itself. Twenty years ago, a gentleman wrote me a letter stating that within six months of adopting the diet and lifestyle changes, he lost 60 pounds and saw 28 different physical problems disappear from his body. In fact, this same gentleman came to one of my seminars this year and said he hasn’t been sick since making that diet and lifestyle change 20 years ago. That story is not uncommon. Personal experience and the testimonies of tens-of-thousands have revealed that within six months or less of making a diet and lifestyle change, most people can halt or reverse at least 90% of all their physical and psychological problems — and they don’t get sick anymore.

For more information, articles, recipes and fun stuff- visit our website at www.6thdayhealth.com

God’s AWESOME Creation!


AWESOME video shown at our church recently! Brings tears to my eyes! Given the time and the money, I could spend all my days here on earth traveling the globe taking in every detail of his creation! From the smallest most incredible insect to the highest majestic mountain. NOTHING would make me happier! Especially knowing as amazing as all His creation is, we- people, are his most awesome and prized creation. Created in his very own image (Genesis 1:26-27). God doesn’t make mistakes! These bodies he has given us to house our souls for the time we are here on earth are wonderful, amazing creations and are capable of marvelous things- when we care for them with the principles he designed them to be which he set up at creation! Come and learn more with us as we seek to care for these awesome earthly bodies as best we can for the time we are here on earth. Someday, we’ll have heavenly, perfect bodies, but we should do the best we can with the bodies he has given us while we are here to better honor and serve him with!!


I like LIFE!! Don’t you?!!


I like LIFE!! Don't you?!!

“He’d rather be DEAD!” Wow- REALLY!

Following is a column that came into me from the Not Milk Man, Robert Cohen. If you want to know more about the dairy industry and the effects milk and dairy have on our bodies, check out his website and read any of the many articles. Be sure to check out the “pus factor”- sure to may you think twice before you gulp down that next glass of the white stuff! Link at the end of the column.

I Beg to Differ

Yesterday (after a two-day trip), I needed to buy
blueberries, and papaya. Before returning home, I
stopped at my local supermarket. The entrance is located near the store’s pharmacy. It was there and then I overheard one of the workers talking passionately about a prescription that she
was having filled for her husband. I have known this woman casually for many years, but never knew that her young husband had experienced a triple bypass heart surgery. She spoke to the pharmacist about how ill he had gotten after taking a cholesterol-lowering drug. I came closer and politely asked, “Mind if I listen? I might learn something.” She nodded her head and smiled.”
When she had finished explaining that her family’s
brilliant cardiologist had prescribed a different
cholesterol-lowering drug, I asked what kind of diet
the doctor had suggested. She answered that diet did not matter. I then asked, “Would he consider a vegan diet?” Her appropriate response stopped me cold. Did I hear right? She said to me matter of factly, “He would rather be dead.” I then briefly explained the basic theory of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s book, “Prevent and Reverse Heart
Disease.” See:


After making my brief presentation, she stopped me cold by saying, “I beg to differ.” I had just one final comment regarding her own area of expertise:
“Do you have organic papayas and organic blueberries?” I then spent a few minutes in the store’s one true pharmacy.

Robert Cohen

Did you notice the comment “diet did not matter”…absolutely astounding that the powers that be believe this and have sold it to a society willing to believe every absurd thing they are told. I beg to differ on this point- it is absolutely VITAL what you are and are not putting into your body!! Your very health and life depend on it!

Wow. That is just amazing, but I believe it to be true…some would rather die than give up their unhealthy food and lifestyle habits. That fella will probably get his wish. That is so sad. Is food really that important to us that we would trade pleasing our taste buds for a few minutes over feeling great, looking good, avoiding spending our last years in and out of hospitals suffering, taking dozens of medications, loosing time with our loved ones due to an early death? Not me- I choose LIFE!

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:19

Visit our website at www.6thdayhealth.com