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God’s AWESOME Creation!


AWESOME video shown at our church recently! Brings tears to my eyes! Given the time and the money, I could spend all my days here on earth traveling the globe taking in every detail of his creation! From the smallest most incredible insect to the highest majestic mountain. NOTHING would make me happier! Especially knowing as amazing as all His creation is, we- people, are his most awesome and prized creation. Created in his very own image (Genesis 1:26-27). God doesn’t make mistakes! These bodies he has given us to house our souls for the time we are here on earth are wonderful, amazing creations and are capable of marvelous things- when we care for them with the principles he designed them to be which he set up at creation! Come and learn more with us as we seek to care for these awesome earthly bodies as best we can for the time we are here on earth. Someday, we’ll have heavenly, perfect bodies, but we should do the best we can with the bodies he has given us while we are here to better honor and serve him with!!