Tag Archives: biblical healing

Happy, Healthy & Full of LIFE!!! Potluck and Fellowship – Breakfast for Dinner Night!


Hello Dear Friends!

We have been having such a good time at our potluck and fellowship nights! The food has been great and we have been making new friends, sharing ideas and encouraging one another! We invite you to join us- either in person, on our Happy, Healthy & Full of Life Facebook page  or here on our Blog!

After recently mentioning to our group that I made wonderful vegan donuts for our family on the weekends for treats and had recently discovered we could even have French Toast and still stick to our vegan lifestyle- they requested we have a “Breakfast for Dinner” themed potluck! And so , that is exactly what we did! Think this one went over well- everything was yummy!

Up first was the vegan donuts I mentioned. I found a recipe in the Vegan Junk Food cook book by Lane Gold, and with a few modifications, made a version I could use in my newest fun kitchen gadget- a donut maker! Aren’t they cute?!! And they taste as good as they look! Get the recipe here!


These were fixed in the nifty little Baby Cakes Donut Maker as seen here, but they can also be baked in the oven using a donut baking pan as seen here or even using a muffin pan and only filling the bottom of the muffin cups. You won’t have a hole in the middle, but they will still be tasty!

French Toast has always been a favorite, but since going vegan, I had never tried it thinking that the heavy egg and milk-based typical recipe just would be hard to duplicate as a vegan recipe with much success. I am happy to report that I was WRONG!! We couldn’t believe how awesome this simple recipe was! It is a shame we have been missing out on these for so long – but no more!! Get the recipe here!


Other tasty goodies brought to share included Peach Blueberry Crisp brought by Beth- Very tasty!! Thanks Beth!! You can find the recipe here. Beth noted she made the following adjustments to the original recipe: she used barley and oat flour in place of the almond flour and she added 1 tablespoon cinnamon.


Heather brought Vanilla Chia Breakfast Pudding and it was also very tasty! Topped with fruit and granola- yummy! Thanks Heather!! You can find the recipe here!


We also enjoyed a Mexican Breakfast Bowl brought to us by Chantal. Livened up our breakfast potluck- Thanks Chantal! Recipe listed below.



4 avocados mixed with about 1 Tbsp Southwest seasoning

4 cans organic black beans, rinsed and drained

Organic salsa

Cilantro, about 1/2 cup snipped


Place beans in the bottom of the Trifle Bowl. Pour some salsa over the beans and let it filter through. Spread some of the avocado mixture over the salsa. Repeat the layers until ingredients are used. Top with snipped cilantro. Squeeze a lime over the top to finish.

We also enjoyed a lovely fruit salad brought by Audrey- Thanks Audrey!


And the tasty selections continued with the Banana Waffles shared with us by Shelly. Thanks Shelly!! Find a recipe for them here. (I would suggest substituting honey or maple syrup in place of the sugar.)


After breakfast, err ahhh DINER, we finished watching the movie Forks Over Knives. If you have not seen this movie, we highly recommend it!! Learn more here. Loaded with great information, research and testimonies, it will change they way you look at food from now on….for the better!!
After the movie, we had some great discussion and decided on a theme for the next get-together.

Feel free to drop by our website for more articles and information www.6thdayhealth.com

Come back to visit to see what fun we get into next time!

Healthy Blessings!!

Happy, Healthy & Full of LIFE!! Potluck and Fellowship – 2/10/2014 – MEXICAN NIGHT!


Hello Friends! We’d like to share with you the fun, great food and fellowship we had at our last get-together!! We had several new families join us and we enjoyed a wide variety of wonderful and tasty healthy Mexican-inspired dishes. Here’s the line up…

Marinated Veggie and Bean Burritos  

Very tasty!! The beans coupled with the savory marinated veggies is just the right combination. Add your favorite toppings and it is a meal in itself!

(Link to recipe here)


Salsa Infused Tortilla Chip Soup

Love this Mexican-inspired soup! Just the right combination of heat and veggies topped by the crunch of the tortilla chips!

(Link to recipe here)


Warm ‘Vegveeta’ Cheese Dip topped with roasted red peppers and green onions (Link to recipe here)

*Tip- when we got home, we mixed what we had left of this cheesy dip with salsa and liked it even better!


A fresh, crunchy and delicious salad and cornbread brought by Audrey-

Very Tasty and rounded our our meal very nicely! Thanks Audrey!



Butternut Squash and Black Bean Chili brought by Angie

Loved the mix of flavors, textures and colors! Great for a cold winter’s night family supper!! Thanks Angie!!

(Recipe at bottom of page)


Easy and Delicious Beans and Rice Bake brought by Beth

Really liked the combination of flavors and colors- very tasty! Thanks Beth!!

(link to recipe here)


Pineapple Rice, also brought by Beth

Simple yet so flavorful! Sweet enough to be served as a dessert! Thanks Beth!

(Link to recipe here)


Tangy Gazpacho Cucumber Cups brought by Chantal

Aren’t these lovely! Beautiful and delicious too! Great addition to our Mexican Night Menu! Thanks Chantal!

(Link to recipe here)


While finishing up our diner, we watched a video by Sergei Boutenko on the importance of greens in our diet and many were awed by the information and realization of how far the typical American diet is from the ideal. No wonder we are all sick! The video is called The Miracle of Greens and you can watch it on-line here . The quickest, easiest and tastiest way to gets lots of nutritious greens into you diet is to drink green smoothies!! We made and sampled my personal favorite- Pineapple Strawberry Banana. (Link to recipe here   -Just leave out the kiwi)


We also shared some great books on greens and making green smoothies – complete with lots of great tasting recipes!

Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko – available here

Green Smoothies Revolution by Victoria Boutenko  – available here

Stay tuned in as we continue the fun, fellowship and great food! Join us on our Facebook page where we welcome you to join us by submitting recipes and comments! Click here to visit our Facebook page – be sure to “like” it to get notifications of new posts! Next get-together is February 24th, 2014 and the group decided the theme will be ITALIAN NIGHT!! Sure to be YUMMY- we can hardly wait!

Happy, Healthy, Life- FB

And, we invite you visit our website as well to find more great recipes, information and class information. Our wish is for everyone to live a happy, healthy life to the fullest possible! Join as we journey towards that goal together!!



Butternut Squash and Black Bean Chili

Makes 8 servings


2 large onions- chopped

4 cloves garlic – chopped

1 butternut squash (2lbs.)-peeled seeded and cut into 1 1/2 in. pieces

1 large green bell pepper – seeded and chopped

1 large jalapeno pepper – seeded and chopped

2 cans stewed tomatoes

2 tsp. cumin

Chili powder – as desired

1 tsp. salt

2 cans black beans – drained and rinsed

½ red sweet pepper – seeded and cut into 1 in. pieces

½ yellow sweet pepper – seeded and cut into 1 in. pieces

½ orange sweet pepper– seeded and cut into 1 in. pieces

¼ cup cilantro and scallions chopped – optional


Coat slow cooker with nonstick cooking spray.

Add onions, garlic, squash, green pepper, and jalapeno. Combine tomatoes,  chili powder,cumin and salt. Pour over squash and peppers.

Cover and cook on HIGH for 6 hours or LOW for 8 hours.

Add beans and sweet peppers, during last 30 minutes.

To serve, stir in cilantro. Top with chopped scallions and shredded cheese, if desired.

Note from Angie: I did not use a slow cooker, just a large pot.  For thicker consistency,  I cooked the onion, green pepper,jalapeno pepper, tomatoes, and half of the squash first and then blended. Then added the rest of the squash and beans and cooked until squash was tender, using vegetable broth as needed.

Happy, Healthy & Full of LIFE!! Fellowship and Potluck Gathering January 20th, 2014


The second gathering for our Happy, Healthy & Full of Life!! fellowship and potluck night was a wonderful success!

If you read our last post…old man winter did not cooperate with our last scheduled gathering as the temps were -10 degrees below zero that night with howling winds and we had to cancel it except for our little family in the cozy warmth of our own home! And, it was not a total loss- we sure enjoyed the spoils of our efforts- HOME-MADE PIZZA! If you missed it and would like to see the delicious results and get the recipes you can check it all out here- Family PIZZA Night .

So, what should the menu be for our second meeting, considering the extremely cold winter weather we have been experiencing here this season??  Nothing seemed more fitting for the main course than a BIG pot of spicy, hearty, warm, CHILI!! The kind of thick, hearty, stick-to-your-ribs stuff that will warm you from the inside out! The kind of stuff real cowboys like to eat sitting around the camp fire after along hard day to warm up and fill their stomachs!

OK…silly I know. But we have to have a little fun when we can too! 😉 Now, I don’t think this recipe will do this too you! But, you know the kind of good, hearty stuff I am talking about! Before our family turned our attention to more healthy food choices, I had a killer chili recipe that EVERYONE loved! I even gave the recipe to some friends who won a chili cook-off with it. It was GOOD STUFF! It had both beef and pork sausage in it. But, our health has won out over our taste buds and I didn’t fix it any more, thinking there was no way I could recreate it without all the meat in it. But, one cold, wintry day, I decided to give it a go to see what I could come up with. So I looked at some other vegan chili recipes for some ideas of where to start and went from there using my old favorite recipe as a guide to making our own. I have to say- it is great stuff! Never even miss the meat!! Now, we can have some good, warm-you-all-the-way-down-to-you-toes chili on these cold, blustery winter days!! Next time I fix it- I am going to take a nicer picture of it- but this one will have to do for now…still shows how thick and hearty it is! Since we do live on a horse farm and like to consider ourselves cowboys and cowgirls of sorts- we named it after our farm- Three Feathers Ranch Chili! (recipe here)


Now, chili is a good start for the menu, what to add to it? Our family has always liked to serve grilled cheese sandwiches with out chili. Gosh darn it- another item we thought we had to drop off our menu after giving up dairy in favor of better health! BUT, we found a solution to that as well!! There are many wonderful varieties of non-dairy cheese available today! Even our local Kroger’s is carrying them now! The one we use is almond based and quite tasty! I use our home-made Honey Whole Wheat Bread (recipe here) , add the sliced cheese and then grill on my panini press to get nice, hot, gooey-on-the-inside, crispy-on-the-outside, grilled cheese sandwiches! (recipe here)


Now, we need some sort of fresh salad or veggies of some sort to round things out. I decided to bring something everyone likes- veggies and ranch dip. Now, we all know those commercially packaged varieties of dip are tasty, but full of yucky stuff that is not good for our bodies! So, back to the kitchen to see if we can find a more healthy alternative. Think we found it! Y-U-M! Decided to stick with the trend and call it Three Feathers Ranch Dip! 😉 (recipe here)


OK, we are still here in America where no meal is complete is seems without a little something sweet to end it all with. So, I decided on these Chocolate Muddle Bars (recipe here)  to finish things up with. Just enough sweet punch in a small bite to tame your tongue from the spicy chili and tangy dip!


Old man winter was kinder to us this time around and we were able to have more than just our wee little family for this potluck! We had several nice families join us who also brought dishes to share!! I love potlucks bring a dish or 2 and get to eat from a bunch of others too!! What  great idea! Whoever started the idea needs a prize of some sort! 😉 I took my camera and managed to snap a few shots of some of the other dishes that were brought. We had no idea what everyone was bringing, but it was if someone planned it as it all went so well together! We had a Mexican Layered Dish– (recipe Below)


And then there was some delicious, fresh and crispy Apple Crisp Salad (recipe here) …. (Note- Beth added a nice handful of oats scattered over the top and then a small sprinkling of chocolate or carob chips to top it off! Very tasty additions!)


And, what could be better than another little something sweet like these All Natural Oatmeal Banana Cookies?!! (recipe below) Yummy!

oatmeal banana cookies

So, we had a great meal, awesome fellowship and some fun too! After dinner, we discussed reasons we all had for making an effort to be healthy, such as- to live a long, happy, disease-free life, to be around long enough to enjoy children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren, to serve God and others, to live life to the fullest, etc! Louis pointed out most people are more cautious with what they put into their automobiles than what type of “fuel” they  put into their own bodies, and that just like our autos – they will NOT run and operate properly without the proper fuel.  We were reminded that God created these magnificent bodies of ours and what  gift they are! Genesis 1:29 states the diet God designed man to eat to nourish his body. These amazing bodies are designed to heal themselves and maintain health –IF we will only give them proper nourishment to provide the fuel in which to do so! He wants us to be healthy as it tells us in 3 John 1:2 “I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in health, as I know it is well with your soul.” Some remarked at the amazing things the body of Christ – His Church – could do for His kingdom if only we were healthier. All the time and efforts spent on our health problems could be spent serving others and all those prayers sent heavenward for health problems could be directed in other areas! Just imagine!! We then discussed ideas for topics in upcoming get-togethers, etc.

We invite you to come and join us for our next Happy, Healthy & Full Of Life potluck and fellowship get-together! We will be meeting the 2nd and 4th Monday each month to share a great meal, fellowship, recipes, information, encouragement and lots of FUN! We meet at Ninevah Christian Church in Lawrenceburg, KY at 6:00 PM. These events are FREE! Just bring a dish and the recipe to share with the group! We will have a brief discussion after each meal on a different health topic, share testimonies and information to help you make better informed choices for you and your family’s health!

Live too far away to join us in person? We invite you to follow along and join us on-line on our Facebook page! Be sure to “like” the page so you will receive notifications when new information is added. Share your favorite healthy recipes and ideas with us too! Happy, Healthy & Full Of Life Facebook Page

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Full of Life year in 2014!! Blessings!

Recipe for Mexican Layered Dish shared with us by Audrey-


10 corn tortillas

2 cans black beans, drained

2 cans diced tomatoes

1 package non-dairy cheese

1/2 medium onion

1/2 package sliced fresh mushrooms

3 – 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 tablespoon grape seed oil

salt, pepper, chili powder, onion powder and cumin to taste


Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Saute onion, mushrooms and garlic until soft. Add remaining spices and mix well. Set aside. In separate pan, add beans and simmer until soft, then mash. In a baking dish, layer tortilla shells, tomatoes, mushrooms, beans and then cheese. Repeat making 3 layers. Bake for 15 minutes covered. Uncover and reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake for an additional 20 minutes. bake an additional

Recipe for All Natural Oatmeal Banana Cookies shared with us by Beth- (adapted from http://www.cookiemadness.net/2008/01/1392/)


1/3 cup coconut oil

3 ripe bananas

2 cups quick oats

1/2 cup raisins

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 cup almond milk

dark chocolate or carob chips (optional)


1 – Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2 – Melt coconut oil in pan on stove over low heat.

3 – Add remaining ingredients, except almond milk- only add as much as needed to moisten batter.

4 – Let stand for about 5 minutes to soak oats.

5 – Stir in Chocolate chips (optional)

6 – Lightly grease cookie sheet with coconut oil.

7 – Drop by spoonfuls of about 1 tablespoon into cookie sheet.

8 – Bake for 15 – 20 minutes until lightly brown.

9 – Allow to cool before eating.


Happy, Healthy & Full of LIFE!! – January 6, 2014- PIZZA!!!



Well, our very first scheduled Happy, Healthy & Full of LIFE!! get-together was s small one! Just the 3 of us! Due to the horrible weather, with dangerous temps 50 degrees below normal – we had to cancel. However, I had already made home made crusts and sauce for class- so we made it for our family at home anyway! We had pizza on the brain and looking forward to it the last few days – so might as well go ahead and warm up as the cold winds blow outside with some nice hot home-made PIZZA!!

Pizza!! Who doesn’t love it?!! But, most pizza you buy from the regular outlets are so bad for you! But, it is something you do not have to give up if you learn to make a few simple adjustments! And it is D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!

I’ll walk you through the process…

First, of course is the crust, the foundation in which to build the tasty, piled-high Italian feast!


This is a whole wheat recipe that is hearty, but light and flavorful! Recipe will make 1 huge crust, 2 thin crust pizzas or several individual sized portions. I like to make up an extra batch while I am making it to put in the freezer for a quick family pizza night meal at a later time! If eating immediately, bake until about half done and then add your toppings and continue baking. If saving for a later meal, bake until lightly done and then refrigerate or freeze for later use. For best results, bake on a pizza stone! *Tip- I laid a pan on top of the crust while baking to prevent large air bubbles from forming while baking.

Next, comes the sauce.


Love this sauce recipe! Quick, easy and so delicious!! And just the right amount of zing!! Smother the crust with this awesome sauce!


Next, come the toppings. Everyone has their favorites. I will take you through our favorite line-ups…

Yes, you can still keep things health and still be tasty!! Our first layer consists of fresh spinach and tomatoes. Yes- SPINACH! Good for you and great to add a little anywhere you can! You’ll never really even taste it here! For the tomatoes- Romas work nice for pizza, but any kind will do.


Starting to look yummy!! But, we have LOTS more good stuff to add! Next layer- my personal favorite- MUSHROOMS! Fresh too- none of those canned slimy things if you can avoid them!


Now were talking!! Mmmm, I can almost taste it already! A few more things and we’ll be ready to pop it into the oven! This would be a good place to have the oven warming up if you don’t already! OK, what’s next? Fresh peppers. Red, yellow or orange. We don’t use green peppers. Did you know there is really no such thing as a green pepper? They are just immature (unripe)  red, yellow or orange peppers. And, as with all fresh produce – the more mature and ripe – the more nutrients! So, we use the sweet, ripe varieties!


Wow, I am getting hungry just working on this post!!

OK – the next ingredient might seem a little odd to most. But, it sure seems more appropriate than putting little fish, like anchovies on a pizza to me!! Balsamic roasted asparagus!! Simply cut asparagus spears into thirds, put in a shallow pan with a dab of olive oil and a good splash of balsamic vinegar and roast in a hot oven for several minutes turning to coat with marinade a couple of times. I fix up a batch and keep it in the frig ready for pizza night.


Now, what next? To be honest – this would be enough and it wold be great without anything else! But, my guys like a hearty pizza, so we’ll go a little further! Now, I know many of you are thinking you couldn’t possibly have real, tasty pizza without some meat on it. I know, I know….we were pepperoni connoisseurs for many years ourselves! However, knowing what I know now about processed meats and how bad they are for you, I refuse to bring them into the house to feed to my family! (Topic for another post someday, let’s get back to the pizza!) So, anyway, if you choose, there are some good plant-based meat alternatives out there available. Here are a couple we use on pizzas that we like.


The first is this Mexican Chipotle flavored variety of sausage. Pretty spicy and when sliced thin, even resembles pepperoni. A tad too spicy for me, so this goes on the portion my husband Louis and son Trevor will be eating!


Another option we like are these smokey tempeh strips. They taste along the lines of bacon. I cut them into small pieces and spread them around the pizza for a bit of added flavor. And, then of course, there is the final topping…cheese. Now, what to do about that since we have basically gone vegan and cheese is not on the list of foods we consume. Again, we could stop here and it would be awesome!


This is the non-dairy variety of cheese we like to use. Plant-based, made with almonds! Tasty enough I can’t keep my son Trevor from grabbing a nibble of it all by itself when he comes through the kitchen and I am making pizza! Spread a sprinkling over the top, and it is ready to go into the oven!


Use you pizza peel to slip it into the oven onto the pizza baking stone and you have the recipe for tasty pizza perfection!!


Now, tell me this doesn’t look delicious!!


I can assure you it WAS!! Every last bite of it! 😉

Want the recipes for the delicious home-made whole wheat crust and the home-made sauce? Follow this link to our website for recipes!



Since Old Man Winter canceled our first attempt at having our pizza night, the group decided this was too good of a theme to pass up and not be a part of, so on March 24th, we had another go at it and I am happy to report Old man Winter cooperated with us and it was a huge success! We brought the zesty home-made sauce and the crust dough all ready for everyone to roll out and make their own personal pizza pies. Below are some photos of some of the pizzas as they were ready to go into the oven showing the varying tastes of our members.






As you can see – they all look YUMMY!!!

For those who are utilizing a gluten-free diet, we would like to offer these links to some crust alternatives that will meet that requirement –

Over 30 Great Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Recipes!

Raw Vegan Pizza Crust with Red Pepper Flax Crust

Vegan Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Another Vegan Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe

Also, while we were each making our own tasty version of pizza, we shared some traditional pizza making tools that make the job easier and give professional quality results.

First- The Pastry Cloth.

pastry cloth

(see and buy it here)

My Granny gave me one of these many years ago an I have used it many times over the years to roll out everything from her cherished dumpling and biscuit recipes to all sorts of pastries and baked goods. Very handy and makes things quick and easy and helps with quick clean up. Mine isn’t this fancy- but really like the idea of the measurements printed on this one- might have to give it a try myself! I have used a rolling pin cover as well, but don’t find it as helpful as the pastry cloth itself.

Here is a brief article on using a pastry cloth.

Pastry Cloth- The Baker’s Secret Weapon

The Wooden Pastry Roller

pastry roller

(see and buy one here)

The pastry roller is great for helping to roll and smooth out that dense, sticky and elastic pizza dough! I like this as opposed to a regular rolling pin because you can roll it out from the center to leave a nice thick crust around the edge. We like crust here at our house! A regular rolling pin will make your crust a uniform thickness.

The Dough Docker

dough docker

(see and buy one here)

Actually, this is something I haven’t utilized previously but plan to buy with my next Amazon order! It punches small holes in the crust to keep large bubbles form forming while baking. Awesome, as I have seen some pretty big bubbles form in our crusts before!

The Pizza Peel

pizza peel

(see and buy one here)

This handy item is for getting your big flimsy, sticky crust into the oven to be baked! Ever have the perfect crust all rolled out only to make a mes of it trying to get it into the oven? This little gem will make it a snap!

Corn Meal


Yes, plain old cornmeal- essential for a great professional quality home-made pizza. It is the “ball bearings” that get your beautiful crust to slide easily off your pizza peel and into the oven without ending up a sticky, lumped up mess!

The Pizza Baking Stone

pizza stone

(see and buy one here)

This is essential for that great pizzeria-quality crust – perfectly baked to be crispy on the bottom and tender inside. I like a big one so that we can make small individual pizzas and have room to bake several at the same time.

The Pizza Cutter

pizza cutter

(see and buy one here)

Of course, the last item is the popular pizza cutter to get the full pizzeria experience. I prefer one with a larger circumference cutting wheel on it as the deeper your pizza and toppings are, the center screw mechanism will drag through your toppings with the smaller ones.

Here are a couple of tutorials on Youtube on rolling out a pizza crust and using a pizza peel and baking stone.

– rolling crust and using a pizza peel

-using a pizza peel and baking stone

I would also like to share some vegan pizza cookbooks I recently came across – Look to have some good recipes and ideas for mixing things up and trying some new varieties. We hope to try some ourselves soon!

vegan pizza book

(see and buy it here)

heart healthy pizza

(see and buy it here)

vegan pizza 101

(see and buy it here)

So, there you have it – all the steps, recipes and things you need to make your own awesome pizzeria-style pizza right in your own kitchen! Mix it up, try some new toppings and crusts and have fun with it! I know our family would hate to give up our weekly family pizza night! In in the cold winter months, it is usually pizza and a movie night! Think we are going to take it out to the grill/fire pit this summer!!

Happy pizza making!


ANOTHER UPDATE!! 5-21-2014


Well, we just keep finding new ways to make pizza! I recently came across a recipe for deep dish pizza that intrigued me, so we tried it here at home.



The more I messed around with it, the better it got! The original recipe called for some spelt flour. Well, I have just about every known type of flour there is – garbanzo bean, coconut, almond, oat and whole wheat of course and more. But, no spelt flour in the house. So I decided to go with a mixture of whole wheat and oat flour instead. GREAT – family loved it! Next time I went to fix it…oh no! Out of the oat flour!! Now, as a crunchy gal, I know I could make my own as I did have some oats on hand, but, I opted to try something else instead. I Used 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 organic, unbleached white flour. WOW!! Even better! It was deeper and fluffier! I believe we have fixed it nearly twice a week since making this new crust discovery!!




To perfect the process, I even bought a new pan! I bought a 12″ cheesecake pan (see it here) that works great! (I would have bought a 14″ if I could have found one!) Build and bake your pizza in it, then simply pull off the outer rim to serve without messing it up! It is non- stick, so clean up is easy too! I would advise, however, to scoot your pizza over onto a different pan or surface before cutting with a sharp pizza cutter or knife as they will scratch the non-stick surface. Actually, I have been just using one on my plastic spatulas to cut and serve it right from this pan. You don’t have to have this type of pan to fix this recipe- first time I made I used a 13″ x 9″ Pyrex glass dish and that worked just fine….something about pizzas needing to be ROUND though…. 🙂



I bet you are wanting the recipe by now! Ok…here you go!

Deep Dish Whole Wheat Pizza Crust Recipe

Ingredients –

2 teaspoons yeast

1 1/2 cups warm (not hot) water

1/4 cup olive oil

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon honey

1 1/2 cups white flour

1 3/4 cup whole wheat flour


In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in water, stir and let stand for 10 minutes. Add oil, salt, garlic powder and honey. Whisk briefly. Add flours about 1/2 cup at a time and mix well. Add a bit more flour if necessary if it is till too sticky, although this dough recipe will me more “moist” and “soft” than the previous recipe above.  Cover bowl with a damp dish towel or plastic wrap and let rise for 55 minutes. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Pour dough into pan and pat with flour-coated fingers or spatula to the cover bottom of pan. Push up a rim of crust around the edges if you like. Add topping ingredients of your choice. Bake for 18 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool for a couple of minutes and remove outer rim of pan and serve! Yummy!!


Hungry yet???  🙂


I discovered a vegan cheese sauce that you can try to top it as well if you like!

Vegan Deep Dish Cheese Sauce


2 cups cashews

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 cup water

1/4 cup nutritional yeast

1 teaspoon rice vinegar

1 teaspoon salt

Directions –

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Done! Also be good to top other dishes or even use as a dip as well!

So, there you have it – LOTS of options to make your own favorite version of pizza or even mix it up and do something different each time!

Have fun and Be Healthy!!

Fresh Beginnings for the New Year!!


Check out our NEW website!! out(1)

We’ve been busy here at 6th Day Health Ministries!! We decided to start the new year with a brand new, updated website!

We would love for you to drop by and check it out! We will be adding new information, recipes, articles and fun stuff weekly!

Check it out at www.6thdayhealth.com

Blessings as you begin a New Year on 2014 and may it be happy and HEALTHY!!

Goody, Goody, Goody!



So, I am in the kitchen this morning when my son Trevor comes through after just getting up and the first words I hear out of him for the day are “Goody, Goody, Goody!!” Now, what sort of event could elicit this kind of exuberant comment so early in the morning?? He notices I am working my way through a big bag of oranges on the counter with the juicer.  Now, how do you think that makes a Mom feel? I’ll give you a hint- 🙂 Yummy AND good for you!

I have never cared much for orange juice that you get from the grocery stores – think they taste fake and nasty. And, there is a good reason for that- they mostly are fake and nasty!! The wonderful juice that started out as fresh, alive and healthy has been killed through pasteurization, may have had the oxygen sucked out of it and been sitting around in huge vats for a year and even if it is advertised as “100% juice” it contains chemical-loaded flavorings. How do you think it always tastes the same regardless of what kind of growing season they have had?? YUCK! (See links below for more information on this “juicy” topic.)

So, always trying to see in what ways we can improve the quality of the things we put into our bodies, last year I bought a juicer. Now, I have one of those big, heavy duty juicers that will juice about anything, but this one is designed specifically for juicing citrus fruits. I also have one of those little hand-powered models in the cabinet too t- but let’s face it…it would take all morning to go through a bag of oranges with that thing! Even though it might give me some added muscle in my right arm, I save it for when I need a tad of lemon or lime juice in a recipe.

If you are interested in trying it yourself, there are many options available. This is the model I bought. I really like it – works good and easy to clean and operate.juicer- budumHere is a link to it on Amazon- Bodum Juicer on Amazon

So, I encourage you to give it a try! Great tasting and so good for you!! And, with our modern conveniences today- no elbow grease required! 😉 Your family will love it!!

Find more health, nutrition and healthy living information on our website at www.6thdayhealth.com

Links to more information on commercial orange juice-








Feeling Old Today- But, Not for the Usual Reasons….


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I am feeling a bit old today! But, not for the usual things that affect most people my age- aching joints, arthritis, blood pressure problems, hemorrhoids, etc. Very thankful for that I might add! However, my inner KLUTZ came out yesterday in full swing! After closing the cable across the driveway to our farm, in a hurry- I tripped over it on my way back across to get into my truck. So, I was propelled from about 2 feet in the air directly onto my hands, knees and even managed to catch an elbow on the way down as well.  Lying flat faced in the gravel slowed me down!  :-/  I was at least glad no one drove by and saw me lying there! Took me a minute to gain my composure and strength back to drag myself to my truck. Figured I had tore holes in my jeans and sweater and bloodied them up to boot, but luckily that was not the case- just inflicted the bodily damage right  through the denim and crochet. Great way to start your day- needless to say,  the incident made each step of my day of errands and grocery shopping a reminder of my clumsiness earlier that morning! Today, upon awakening, I realize in addition to the cuts, scrapes and bruises, I am feeling it in my back, shoulders and arms as well. Feel like I have been run over by a truck! But, contemplating my injuries, (in addition to making a mental note to myself to NEVER rush myself over that darn cable again!) I pondered about our body’s amazing ability to heal itself! And it is a good thing too! I can only imagine what my poor legs would like today if they didn’t!! Growing up very much a tom-boy, my knees stayed covered in thick scabs and my legs in bruises. My mother was always embarrassed on Sundays as we went to church because my dresses always stopped just above my knees to reveal the bruises and scabs in varying stages of crustiness and flaking off. Can you imagine what they would look like today if our body’s did not heal themselves??  I have actually been amazed that I do not even have and horrible scars on my knees as reminders of my childhood adventures! We are all quite aware of our body’s ability to heal themselves from things on the outside- cuts, scraps, bruises, etc. But, why do we not believe they can also heal things on the INSIDE as well?? God did an amazing job in designing these bodies of ours! They are an absolute marvel!! I am guessing we would all look like zombies as adults if all the damage done to our bodies on the exterior as rambunctious youngsters never healed! So, why do we not believe the same healing goes on INSIDE our bodies as well? The only requirement is that we provide our bodies with the proper nourishment to maintain and repair themselves as God designed and even told us to! Immediately after creating man, God told him the foods he should eat- “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.” Genesis 1:29. To function, and heal, as God designed our bodies to, they need the proper fuel. You wouldn’t put water or milk into the gas tank of you prized automobile and expect it get you where you want to go, would you? Yet, we treat our bodies as if we can out any old junk into them and then be surprised when we get sick!


Think of it this way- picture your body built out of bricks. When you are born, you are made up of nice, new, high quality bricks! As we age and experience wear and tear on our bodies, some of the bricks get old or damaged and need to be replaced, juts as with a brick structure would. The key to strength and longevity is the quality of the bricks or building blocks that the old, worm out bricks are replaced with. If the bricks are replaced with bricks of lesser quality, made with inferior materials, the building will continually become weaker less unable to support itself over time- eventually ending up with major failures in the structure and even totally crumbling. Not much different within our own bodies! Reportedly, our body’s are made up of around 100 trillion cells, all with various lifespans continually dying off and being replaced. Estimates of how many cells within the body that are replaced in a given day range from between 2 – 15 trillion!! PER DAY!! That is a lot of rebuilding going on!!! So, if our bodies are not getting the proper nutrition to build healthy new cells, the new cells will be weaker and inferior as well. So, sickness and disease are able to take a stand when the bodies defenses are weak. So, am I am comforted to know that all evidence- inside and out- of my clumsy episode will soon be a distant memory! Do you doubt it? Be happy to post follow up pictures in a week or so of my newly formed skin where the holes and scabs are now on my hands and knees, the lovely blue color from the bruises will be gone as well. The only remaining injury will be to my pride. 😉

Visit our website at www.6thdayhealth.com

Is God throwing you a LIFE PRESERVER??


Is God throwing you a LIFE PRESERVER??

I’d like to share a story with you. There was a man struggling to survive a terrible flood. He crawled up on his roof and pleaded with God to save him. Soon, a helicopter came by and offered to lift him away. He said “No, I believe in God and He is going to rescue me!” And they flew away. After that, a boat came by and offered to let him climb aboard. Again, he said, “No, I believe in God and he will answer my prayers and rescue me.” So, the boat paddled away. Then, some firemen from a near-by roof top tried to toss him a rope to pull him to safety. Once again, he shouted back to them, “Thanks anyway, but, I have prayed to God and believe he will rescue me!” So, the fireman went on to the next house. The flood waters continued to rise and the man was swept away. When he entered the pearly gates, he asked Peter why God hadn’t answered his prayers and rescued him Peter replied, “What are you talking about- he sent a helicopter, a boat and a rescue team!!”

While this story is on the humorous side- there is a lot of truth in it as well!! Some times God sends an answer to prayer, but it is not the way we wanted him to answer and we ignore it or don’t even see it. Even though God can step in and perform miracles, sometimes he asks us to take part in the rescue! Not too long ago, a lady came forward in our church and was crying and asking for prayers for physical problems she was dealing with. I prayed about it and felt God leading me to meet with her and share the message of health and healing available through proper diet and lifestyle. So, she agreed to meet with me and I shared God’s directives for our health with her and she seemed receptive. She told me she had prayed and asked God why this was happening to her and asked for healing. But, she decided not to follow through and to my knowledge, her physical problems have continued to worsen. Most people pray to God and ask for healing, expecting him to swoop down and instantly heal their afflictions. Many of the testimonies I read, tell of people sharing how their prayers regarding their health were answered by someone sharing the message of health and healing through proper diet and lifestyle and how thankful they are. Some tell of an inexplicable urge to go into a book store for no apparent reason, only to find a book that lead them learn more about healing through God’s directives as found in the Bible. Have you or a loved one been praying for healing? Make sure you don’t miss the life-line God may be throwing your way, only to be swept away because that is not the way you wanted your prayers answered or because it wasn’t the answer you were looking for! You have to grab that life preserver and and use it- it won’t work unless you do!!

Come join us on our website as we learn to live life to the fullest as God intended through a healthy diet and lifestyle! www.6thdayhealth.com

Time to take responsibility for our own HEALTH!


Time to take responsibility for our own HEALTH!

Portions below taken from an article written by Rev. George Malkmus This is why we do what we do at 6th Day Health Ministries!

No one can truly enjoy life if they are constantly in pain, going to doctors, taking drugs, and experiencing sickness. And of course no one enjoys paying the bills resulting from the treating of all these physical problems. Nor can we properly serve the Lord or fulfill the ministry to which God has called us without a healthy body. Dear friend, if we are going to enjoy life and have a body fit for the Master’s use, we must have a healthy body! Do you have any idea who determines whether our bodies are healthy or not? HINT – The answer is not your doctor, or even God! Who Controls Our Health? In most instances the only one who determines whether we have a healthy body or not is the person to whom God gave that body. We have control over it and we must also take responsibility for maintaining it in good health. It’s all up to you and me! Like a prized possession, God has entrusted each of us with a body and holds us responsible for its care — that is, proper nourishment and maintenance.
Consider carefully what the Bible has to say about who bears responsibility for our body’s nourishment, care, and maintenance:
“I beseech YOU therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present YOUR bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is YOUR reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:1-2) Again in Galations, the Bible says we are responsible regarding whether we have a healthy body or not: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man (or women) soweth, that shall he (or she) also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) Now, while the vast majority of people around us are in an unhealthy state, constantly going to doctors, treating physical problems, taking drugs, and paying lots of money to cover the costs of the treatment of these illnesses… There are growing numbers of people who have taken control of their health, rid themselves of all their physical and psychological problems (and associated high costs), and they don’t get sick anymore. How does one go about taking control of their health and eliminating all their physical and psychological problems, along with their accompanying costs? Have you any idea how to answer that question? There is an answer and it is the answer to that question we will be dealing with for the rest of this article.
How To Take Control of Your Health
The only way a person can recover from their constantly reoccurring physical problems and eliminate those recurring health care costs is to take control of their own health. The only way to accomplish that is by changing their diet and lifestyle. And let me add that God is not going to do it for a person what they can do for themselves! In order to take control of our health we need to change the way we think about how we nourish this beautiful physical body temple God has provided each of us. Why do you eat and drink what you do? Have you ever considered that what you are eating and drinking might have something to do with the physical problems you experience?
Consider what God has to say about how we should not take care of these physical bodies we each possess: “AND BE NOT CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD: . . . .” (Romans 12:2) And for confirmation that this scripture is talking about our physical bodies, read Romans 12:1 where it says we should: “PRESENT OUR BODIES A LIVING SACRIFICE . . . .”

What Others Are Experiencing
I am thrilled to report that over the past 20 years, tens of thousands have taken charge of their own health by adopting changing their diet and lifestyle. As a result, these people have recovered from over 170 different physical problems, including even terminal, Stage 4, metastasized cancers, and they don’t get sick anymore. Why do people who make these changes experience such spectacular results? The answer is really quite simple: When God designed these physical bodies we each possess; He designed them to be nourished with a certain type of fuel. The fuel God designed our bodies to run on can only be found in the garden.
When we fuel our bodies with the garden foods God designed our physical bodies to be nourished with, our bodies run the way God designed them to run – IN HEALTH!
But when we place into our bodies the wrong fuels, our bodies run poorly, we get sick, and our bodies begin to fail us.
We each, as individuals, are the ones who determine whether our body will be healthy or not by what we choose to place into them in the form of food or drink each and every day of our lives. In other words, we – not God or our doctor – determines whether we live in health or sickness.
As shared earlier, God said: “BE NOT DECEIVED; GOD IS NOT MOCKED: FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN (or women) SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE (or she) ALSO REAP.” (Galatians 6:7) This works both ways – sow health and you will reap health – sow disease and you will reap disease. Our health is simply the outworking of God’s law of sowing and reaping. Thirty-six years ago I learned the simple but profound truth that my health or lack thereof was a result of what I sowed. After learning this truth in 1976, I changed my diet and lifestyle at age 42, recovered from colon cancer, and rid my body of all other physical problems. All without doctors or medical modalities. As I write this, I am only two years from my 80th birthday, having enjoyed excellent health ever since making that diet and lifestyle change in 1976 at the age of 42. Cause Of Physical Breakdown
When we get sick, that physical breakdown is in most instances merely the body responding or reacting to the wrong fuel (what we eat and drink), and/or living the wrong lifestyle. Almost every physical problems (other than accidents) whether obesity or being underweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, colds, the flu, acid stomach, headache, psychological problems, pimples, etc., are merely the body reacting to the wrong fuel. As we stop putting in the wrong fuel and begin putting in the right fuel and begin exercising, the body will almost always begin the process of healing.
You see, God placed self-healing into each of our bodies and proper diet and lifestyle activates that self-healing so that the body can do what God designed it to do – which is heal itself. Twenty years ago, a gentleman wrote me a letter stating that within six months of adopting the diet and lifestyle changes, he lost 60 pounds and saw 28 different physical problems disappear from his body. In fact, this same gentleman came to one of my seminars this year and said he hasn’t been sick since making that diet and lifestyle change 20 years ago. That story is not uncommon. Personal experience and the testimonies of tens-of-thousands have revealed that within six months or less of making a diet and lifestyle change, most people can halt or reverse at least 90% of all their physical and psychological problems — and they don’t get sick anymore.

For more information, articles, recipes and fun stuff- visit our website at www.6thdayhealth.com

God’s AWESOME Creation!


AWESOME video shown at our church recently! Brings tears to my eyes! Given the time and the money, I could spend all my days here on earth traveling the globe taking in every detail of his creation! From the smallest most incredible insect to the highest majestic mountain. NOTHING would make me happier! Especially knowing as amazing as all His creation is, we- people, are his most awesome and prized creation. Created in his very own image (Genesis 1:26-27). God doesn’t make mistakes! These bodies he has given us to house our souls for the time we are here on earth are wonderful, amazing creations and are capable of marvelous things- when we care for them with the principles he designed them to be which he set up at creation! Come and learn more with us as we seek to care for these awesome earthly bodies as best we can for the time we are here on earth. Someday, we’ll have heavenly, perfect bodies, but we should do the best we can with the bodies he has given us while we are here to better honor and serve him with!!
