I like LIFE!! Don’t you?!!


I like LIFE!! Don't you?!!

“He’d rather be DEAD!” Wow- REALLY!

Following is a column that came into me from the Not Milk Man, Robert Cohen. If you want to know more about the dairy industry and the effects milk and dairy have on our bodies, check out his website and read any of the many articles. Be sure to check out the “pus factor”- sure to may you think twice before you gulp down that next glass of the white stuff! Link at the end of the column.

I Beg to Differ

Yesterday (after a two-day trip), I needed to buy
blueberries, and papaya. Before returning home, I
stopped at my local supermarket. The entrance is located near the store’s pharmacy. It was there and then I overheard one of the workers talking passionately about a prescription that she
was having filled for her husband. I have known this woman casually for many years, but never knew that her young husband had experienced a triple bypass heart surgery. She spoke to the pharmacist about how ill he had gotten after taking a cholesterol-lowering drug. I came closer and politely asked, “Mind if I listen? I might learn something.” She nodded her head and smiled.”
When she had finished explaining that her family’s
brilliant cardiologist had prescribed a different
cholesterol-lowering drug, I asked what kind of diet
the doctor had suggested. She answered that diet did not matter. I then asked, “Would he consider a vegan diet?” Her appropriate response stopped me cold. Did I hear right? She said to me matter of factly, “He would rather be dead.” I then briefly explained the basic theory of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s book, “Prevent and Reverse Heart
Disease.” See:


After making my brief presentation, she stopped me cold by saying, “I beg to differ.” I had just one final comment regarding her own area of expertise:
“Do you have organic papayas and organic blueberries?” I then spent a few minutes in the store’s one true pharmacy.

Robert Cohen

Did you notice the comment “diet did not matter”…absolutely astounding that the powers that be believe this and have sold it to a society willing to believe every absurd thing they are told. I beg to differ on this point- it is absolutely VITAL what you are and are not putting into your body!! Your very health and life depend on it!

Wow. That is just amazing, but I believe it to be true…some would rather die than give up their unhealthy food and lifestyle habits. That fella will probably get his wish. That is so sad. Is food really that important to us that we would trade pleasing our taste buds for a few minutes over feeling great, looking good, avoiding spending our last years in and out of hospitals suffering, taking dozens of medications, loosing time with our loved ones due to an early death? Not me- I choose LIFE!

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:19

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